Swedish Massage & Hydrotherapy
Swedish massage is probably the best known type of massage. It involves a variety of techniques designed to improve circulation, ease muscle aches and tension, improve muscle and joint mobility and create relaxation. In Sweden, this type of massage is known as ‘classic massage’, which is actually an excellent description of it in a Canadian context, as it is what most people think of when they think of massage. It is also a type of massage that all Massage Therapists in Ontario are trained in.
Swedish massage uses a variety of techniques, including:
Swedish massage uses a variety of techniques, including:
- Effleurage - gentle gliding technique used on superficial muscles
- Petrissage - kneading and squeezing of the deeper muscles and tissues
- Tapotement - rhythmical movements and tapping performed with the edge of the hand or heel of the palm
- Stroking - a very gentle gliding technique with only minimal pressure applied to the skin